An Ode to the Bee Balms & Golden Rods of Late Summer

Gathering Bee Balm (Mondarda Fistualis) on the eve of one the last warm days of summer 2013, on the mountain of Nemeton.  The scent of pine needles in the air, spicy fragrance of aster, bee balms and goldenrods, oh to the blessed harvest of this year with all the ripeness surrounding me.  Feeling so blessed and joyful!  This Bee Balm in my arms went into wine, tincture and honey. To soothe coughs and stimulating circulatory system, adding a distinct warmth to the whole body, plus the smell is intoxicating!!!
Goldenrods (Solidago spp.) went into tinctures and oil. Tincture to be used for bladder & sinus inflammations and the infused oils for lovely massage oils, easing aching muscles and adding a touch of exotic scent to the experience!

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