InnerCartography is a process of LensStackingTM.
Here we study separately & weave together a tapestry of tools, resources, mindsets and practices. Together these support us in learning, relating & mapping internal & external worlds. This is a view of spectral relations between our various internal parts, and the ecosystems of the realities around us. (A system designed by Raine E. Ford starting in 2017)

It is also a Season & a Branch in the School of Alchemy Of The Seasons (AOTSS).

These are some of the various tools used in with InnerCartography

  • IChing: 6 Lines on consideration on a micro to macro system. With 64 variables that encompass the many reflections of humanity. Looking at them through stacked lenses gives us a kaleidoscope of perspectives to consider for and from.
  • Astrology: the relationship of the astrological bodies of mass that are part of our larger “energetic weather patterns” to our lived experiences.
  • Human Design: Mechanics & flow of human energy systems. How they can relate inside of self & in relationship with others. (Ra Ura Hu)
  • Gene Keys: A Spectrum based multi layered, interconnected interlocking Soul Journey through our Shadow, Shine & Source, personally, In-Relationship and In-Collaboration. (Richard Rudd, Ra & IChing)
  • Emotional Bridges: an elemental nature based system that explores emotional reflections of our journey through our sensory system. Helping is see where & how we can make personal decisions with the information the emotions give us.
  • Chakra systems: the study of energy as it moves and corresponds in the body.
  • Quantum science: the exploration and Practices involved in seeing life from many dimensions, especially useful in mental PraXercise)
  • Language Of Relating: A formula, process and practice of listening to yourself, other/s and the egregoric energy of both in a patterned way that supports the many considerations that go into communication. It takes into account the communication lines of the many aspects and specific points of responsibility in the hearing and speaking involved in all parts.
  • InnerParts Mapping: Who’s what where; inside the nervous system. (differently aged and mature parts of us may reside in deferent parts of our nervous system, becoming activated by the things around us (triggers andor glimmers).
  • Cardology: a guide to karmic energy expressed on a given day. Seeing ourselves through the lense of a role we are here to play in the suit of cards often has a lighthearted and poignant take on what we may be missing andor could lean into more. Especially in our relationships!

These are all aspects that can assist in creating a topographical map of your inner world, so that as you walk the terrain of your world (inner and outer) together with your relationship world, you get the support of always having a place to come to when there is a question of “where are my options” when the S.H.I.T. is hitting the fan. These are our opportutnies that we get to grow with & through. (S.H.I.T = Sacred Healthy Intimate Teachings – Thankyou JWoW)

The image below is an example of a multimap for tracking many of these aspects.
(this is one of many that I have made (RNEF))

Your life and the experiences you live are your maps’ terrain.

*Remember: Maps are not people and people are not Maps.
It is often more efficient to to know where to apply medicines for support towards a specific Trajection.

Think of it a little-like reverse engineering what you Need for the place where you Are, through Contemplation work, mixed with meditation and activity, a Middle Path Way.  Where the Doing is done without so much of actual Doing and more by BEing, with deep awareness.

Chop wood, Haul Water, (Be in Class, Train on The Mountain or in your own home.) 

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